Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Gift of Beads

I like to give friends a simple strand of beads. I string beads frequently and give them as gifts of gratitude and good will. As a tradition, when a Native woman strings beads she thinks good thoughts and puts her positive energy into the beads. Perhaps her thoughts are of helping, healing, supporting or thanking when she is beading.....regardless, she is putting pride and power into her beadwork.
Beads are given as gifts from the heart. The season of winter is a slower time of prayer and reflection and this is when I string hopefully I get a bit more time in the coming months to do this!

1 comment:

grannye said...

I make bead gifts and put a prayer for health and happiness in them as I work, I did not know I had Native Wisdom, I thought this was just "My Thing" I love it and receive as much blessings as those I give my bead gifts to. I am only part Native American but I am very proud of my Indian blood.. God Bless you.